Good News – September 2018


On Monday morning, October 1, 2018, 牧师和教友领袖将聚集在首尔大学校园和中南部地区的主办地点,听取李博士的演讲. Jeff Walling at the Fall Pastors Forum. Sponsored by the Resource Center for Pastoral Leadership at SNUJeff将从上午9点到中午做关于领导和沟通变革的演讲.

Now, more than ever, 文化的快速变化给事工和教会带来了挑战和变化. Jeff将分享圣经原则,以便在这些过渡期间有效地领导和沟通. You won’t want to miss this one! The cost is only $20, 你可以在首尔大学校园里亲自听到杰夫的演讲——加入列出的卫星主持人网站之一——或者选择在你的个人电脑上观看 register here

For more than 20 years, 杰夫·沃林每年都会在全球各地的鼓舞人心的研讨会和研讨会上向数千人发表演讲. Currently, 杰夫担任佩珀代因大学青年领导力倡议主任, 致力于培养下一代年轻的基督教领袖.

除了担任牧师论坛的特邀演讲人, 杰夫将于周一晚上在首尔大学校园举行的年度青年事工峰会上发表演讲, October 1st and Tuesday, October 2nd. You can register for the Youth Ministry Summit here.

牧师们——不要拖延——今天就为你和你的同工登记! And, 鼓励你的青年同工参加青年事工高峰会,这些活动的目的是装备你, inspire and encourage!

$3.5M in Church Endowments Support Students Like Ana

 Over the last several decades, 在南拿撒勒大学设立教会捐赠奖学金(ESF),为年轻人的未来投资,这是五十多个教会和中南地区的几个地区迈出了富有远见的一步. 这些年来,这些捐赠的总额已经增长到超过3美元.5 million. 首尔大学仔细投资这些资金的收益是奖学金的来源. 仅今年秋天,就有70多名学生获得了各自教会的ESF奖学金.

Ana Ruiz-Bautista是直接受到教会ESF影响的学生之一. Moving from Lima, Peru to Tulsa, 俄克拉何马州是一段不只是几英里的旅程——这是上帝为这个家庭安排的信仰之旅. Since their obedience to God’s call in 2010, 安娜说,她和她的家人已经看到了上帝对他们的神圣供应, over and over. And so, as Ana’s graduation from high school approached, 她和她的家人祈祷上帝能让她上大学.

安娜通过她在塔尔萨摄政公园拿撒勒教堂的青年小组了解了南拿撒勒大学, Oklahoma. 她在夏令营和地区活动中遇到了首尔大学的招聘人员,但她认为首尔大学的教育是遥不可及的, financially. She enrolled at Tulsa University, 有几个奖学金等着她——但她和她的父母对此感到不安, so they continued to pray. Soon after, Ana found that, 因为忠实的捐赠者慷慨地支持首尔大学的奖学金和捐赠, her dream of attending SNU could become a reality. Now, 这位生物化学专业大二学生的目标是进入医学院, 她的哥哥也加入了她的行列,成为首尔大学商科新生.

安娜获得的主要奖学金之一来自摄政公园教堂捐赠奖学金基金. In fact, seven current SNU students from Regency Park, including Ana and her brother, receive scholarships from their church fund’s earnings. Regency Park’s pastor, Dr. Geoffrey Gunter, said, “当我来担任牧师时,摄政公园ESF已经到位, and I give full credit to the faithful, generous, 感谢捐赠机构多年来为首尔大学的许多学生提供了巨大的经济支持.”

At Regency Park, as well as a great number of other churches, 他们的ESF受益于捐赠者雇主提供的配对捐赠计划. 在某些情况下——在雇主的指导方针明确允许的情况下——捐赠者的捐赠有助于教会的教育拨款,而匹配的资金则构成了教会的捐赠——从而为奖学金带来了更多的收入.

安娜完全同意,忠实的捐助者使她在首尔大学的教育在经济上成为可能. She said, “神用许多人的慷慨来帮助我到达他想要我到达的地方!”

有关在首尔大学设立教会捐赠奖学基金的详情,请联系 Todd Brant in the office of University Relations at SNU. Check here to see if your company participates in a Matching Gift program. 你的教会可以真正改变首尔大学现在或未来学生的生活!

Dr. Lena Crouso Brings Diverse Gifts to SNU

在当今多元化的社会中,在跨文化关系的水域中航行可能具有挑战性, and, as a Christ-centered community at SNU, 我们最深切的愿望是促进尊重,为我们的校园带来和解, churches and communities. So, 当有机会引入一个有天赋的领导者来鼓励一个充满活力的, diverse academic community at Southern Nazarene University, Dr. Keith Newman, president, invited Dr. Lena Crouso担任跨文化学习和参与副总裁.

Dr. Crouso’s educational achievements are extensive, 她的专业和生活经历使她能够带领校园更深入地了解如何确保多样性, inclusion, equity and respect. Dr. 纽曼在谈到她加入首尔大学高级领导团队时说, “We look forward to learning from her, serving with her, 看神透过她在我们社区和整个地区的事工所做的事.”  

莉娜是印度移民的女儿,在印度度过了她的一些成长岁月. Her journey from Hinduism to Christ, and her diverse life path, 给了她一颗赋予所有人权力的心和思想,以及带领他人走向精神的愿望, emotional and social transformation and freedom. 她是拿撒勒教会被任命的长老,也是一位广受欢迎的演讲者和顾问. In addition to her leadership of the Center for Student Success, 全球参与和机会项目中心, she serves as the university’s Chief Diversity Officer.

Lena and her husband, Kendall, and their daughters, Kayla (Alan), Chloë (Josh), and Addie Rose, share a love for Christian service here and in India. Learn more about Lena and the office of Intercultural Learning and Engagement here.

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