托马斯·乔伊斯: Leadership Through a Life of Service

托马斯·乔伊斯 standing in front of trees smiling.

宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿人, 托马斯·乔伊斯, completed his undergraduate degree at the 大学 of Pittsburg. The years following his degree completion were marked by his dedication to his country as an Army officer. 在他任职期间, he experienced the challenges and sacrifices associated with deployments, including serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

In 2019, 离开军队后, Thomas transitioned into a new role as an academic advisor for a university. This opportunity allowed him to continue making a positive impact by guiding and supporting students in their educational journeys. Thomas’s 承诺 to service remained at the forefront of his mind as he sought a degree that would further enhance his ability to serve others effectively.

当他探索他的选择, Thomas discovered the Master of Leadership program at SNU – an ideal fit for his goals and aspirations. The program’s emphasis on practical leadership approaches, combined with its Christ-centered foundation, deeply resonated with Thomas’s vision of building upon a life of service. He recognized that this program would equip him with the necessary knowledge and skills to make a lasting impact on individuals and communities.

As Thomas embarked on his first course, he immediately felt reassured that he had made the right choice. The unwavering support from instructors and the SNU staff, coupled with the camaraderie and shared experiences with his cohort group, fueled Thomas’s passion for learning and personal growth.

“The SNU program provided me hope that I could complete this graduate degree. I could not fathom how I could complete a graduate degree while still performing my job responsibilities and maintaining a healthy personal life,托马斯肯定地说。. “另外, I immediately knew I made the correct decision once I started the first course in the program. The instructors and SNU staff have been extremely supportive, and I have greatly enjoyed learning from and getting to know the people in my cohort group.”

“The Masters of Leadership program at SNU was intentionally designed to fill a space not met by many other graduate programs,迈克尔·L解释道。. 休斯顿,Ph值.D., Program Director, Master of Leadership. “The focus was to bring together theory and practice…offering students a place to gain important practical approaches and skills enhancing leadership and influence.” 

As Thomas reflects on his experience at SNU, he emphasizes the significance of the Master of Leadership program in enhancing his ability to serve others. 感谢, 他的股票, “This degree not only provided me with opportunities to progress my career but also equipped me with the knowledge and skills to enhance my ability to serve others in my personal and professional life.”

Thomas’s exceptional background as an Army officer and his 承诺 to continuing a life of service make his journey in the Master of Leadership program at SNU even more inspiring. His experiences in the military, coupled with his role as an academic advisor, uniquely positioned him to embrace the program and apply what he learned in practical and meaningful ways.

Michael L. 休斯顿,Ph值.D. and program director proudly states, “Tom has been one of the best students in the MOL program to date.” This accolade speaks volumes about Thomas’s dedication, 承诺, and the impact he has made throughout his time in the program and 

Thomas’ story stands as a testament to the potential within each individual to make a positive impact in the lives of others.  

南拿撒勒大学 (SNU) offers a unique and comprehensive Master of Leadership program that equips students like Thomas with the skills and knowledge to reach their loftiest goals. This program encompasses coursework in servant leadership, intercultural and global perspectives, 解决冲突, 和更多的. By taking classes completely online alongside other driven adult students, Thomas was able to pursue his master’s degree and the Zig Ziglar Legacy Certificate while maintaining a flexible schedule that accommodated his personal and professional responsibilities.

Congratulations Thomas, and all of our 2023 graduates!







